100次浏览 发布时间:2024-09-24 10:21:55
Don't take any notice of what you read in the papers.不要在意你在报纸上看到的任何消息
There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled.(board 板子,oar 船桨,cancel 取消)
The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.(smell n 气味,臭味,嗅觉 v 闻到;嗅)
She wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed.(strange adj/adv 奇怪的,陌生的)
notify/ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ/ v 通知;(正式)通报
Competition winners will be notified by post.(competition n 竞赛,竞争者;来自词根【pet】-追寻,compete v 竞争,对抗;competitor n 竞争者,对手;competent a 有能力的;competence n 能力。post 邮件)
记忆:at=to,tent~词根-tend-延伸,联想手掌打开的画面,向前延伸。tent/tent/ n 帐篷,沙滩上时常有“撑开”的帐篷,抽象的延伸就是精力、注意力延伸!
He turned his attention back to the road again.
She tried to attract the waiter's attention .(attract v 吸引,【tract】-拉,tractor 拖拉机,distract v 分散)
Films with big stars always attract great attention
attentive/əˈtentɪv/ a 注意的,关心的
attensively/əˈtɛntɪvli/ adv 注意地;聚精会神地
attend/əˈtend/ v 参加,出席(at=to,去到现场。absent v 缺席 a 缺席的)
attendant/əˈtendənt/ n 服务员,随从 a 随之而来的(去开重要的会,大人物都会有随从)
tend/tend/ v 倾向 tendency/ˈtendənsi/ n 趋势,倾向;偏好
Women tend to live longer than men.
His views tend towards the extreme.(extreme,me或者um-最高级,最!minimum a 最小的,n 最小值 maximum a 最大的, n 最大值)
trend/trend/ v/n 趋势,倾向 可以和tend,tendency互换。
tent/tent/ n 帐篷 v 照顾,照料(T联想为帐篷的固定的钉子形状;帐篷的功能就有照顾,照料的作用)
tension/ˈtenʃn/ n 紧张,紧张局势
There is mounting tension along the border.(mounting v 攀 a 上升的。border n 边,boundary n 边界线,单词长,范围大)
muscular tension 肌肉绷紧
intend/ɪnˈtend/ v 计划,打算(in心里面,往后打算,往后延伸)
intent/ɪnˈtent/ n 意图,目的 intention/ɪnˈtenʃn/ n 打算,意图,计划
extend/ɪkˈstend/ v 延伸,扩展(ex-向外,物理或者虚拟上的延伸。对比expand v 扩大,增强,扩展;stretch v/n 伸展,延伸,stretch物理上延伸)extension n 延伸,延长,延期
to extend a fence(fence 护栏)
to extend a deadline(deadline n 期满,届满)
The company plans to extend its operations into Europe.(operation n 业务,手术)
pretend/prɪˈtend/ v 假装,佯装 pretension n 做作,浮夸(把拳头收回来,就是为了往前延伸)
I'm tired of having to pretend all the time.
Let's pretend (that) we're astronauts.(astronaut 宇航员,astr~star,追星星的人)
tempt/tempt/ v 诱惑,引诱(就是为了“延伸”你的注意)
attempt/əˈtempt/ v 尝试,企图(at=to,没有禁住诱惑,准备tend接近诱惑)
contempt/kənˈtempt/ n 藐视(禁得住诱惑,藐视temptation)
She looked at him with contempt .
The firefighters showed a contempt for their own safety.
He could be jailed for two years for contempt.(jail n 监狱 v 监禁)